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Digital poster Van der Velden A ECCMID 2022

Digital poster Van der Velden A ECCMID 2022

Poster Altiner A ECCMID 2023

Poster Altiner A ECCMID 2023

Poster Bell J FIP 2023

Poster Bell J FIP 2023

Poster Coutinho G FIP 2023

Poster Coutinho G FIP 2023

Poster Essack S FIP 2023

Poster Essack S FIP 2023

Poster Essack S IDWeek 2023

Poster Essack S IDWeek 2023

Poster ICOHAR 2019

GRIP Meeting Report 2022

Poster ICOHAR 2019

Poster ICOHAR 2019

Report 2018

AMS workshop newsletter

Publication recording proceedings from the first AMS workshop held at FIP 2019 in Abu Dhabi


AMR Roadmaps Africa

A Roadmap outlining Africa regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR


AMR Roadmaps Americas

A Roadmap outlining Americas regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR


AMR Roadmaps Eastern Mediterranean

A Roadmap outlining Eastern Mediterranenean regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR


AMR Roadmaps Europe

A Roadmap outlining Europe regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR


AMR Roadmaps South East Asia

A Roadmap outlining South East Asia regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR


AMR Roadmaps Western Pacific

A Roadmap outlining [insert region name] regional initiatives to mitigate the treat against AMR

Report 2018

Report 2020



Report 2018

Report 2018



Physician Protocol 3 Month Data Analysis Form

Report 2017

Antibiotic misuse – The importance of proactive partnerships

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership

Report 2016

Report 2016

Antibiotic misuse – The importance of proactive partnerships

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership

Report 2015

Report 2015

Antibiotic resistance – Prioritising the patient

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership

Report 2014

Report 2014

Antibiotic misuse - More action, less resistance

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership.

Report 2013

Report 2013

Antibiotic misuse – stop talking, start acting

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership.

Report 2012

Report 2012

Antibiotic misuse and sore throat treatment

Report from the Global Respiratory Infection Partnership.



Evaluating the impact of global respiratory infection partnership materials on the symptomatic management of URTI in community pharmacies in Germany


ACC presentation 2015

ACC presentation 2015

Inappropriate antibiotic use for cough and URTIs

The presentation delivered by Dr Alike van der Velden at the American Cough Conference 2015 on the inappropriate use of antibiotics for treating coughs and URTIs.

WCEA presentation 2015 â managed care

WCEA presentation 2015 – managed care

Antibiotic stewardship – a role for managed care

The presentation delivered by Dr Douglas Burgoyne at the World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics 2015 discussing the role of managed care in antibiotic stewardship.

WCEA presentation 2015 â UK primary care

WCEA presentation 2015 – UK primary care

Antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in primary care

The presentation delivered by Dr Martin Duerden at the World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics 2015 discussing the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in the UK.

FIP poster 2015

FIP poster 2015

Community pharmacists and the management of antibiotics

The poster presented by Professor Sabiha Essack at the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015 about community pharmacists and the management of antibiotics.

WONCA poster 2015

WONCA poster 2015

Antibiotic prescribing in primary care for upper respiratory tract infections

The poster presented by GRIP at the World Conference of Family Doctors 2015 which details data for URTI consultations across Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Russia and the UK.

Continual Professional Development Education

Continual Professional Development Education


Accredited education about the role of pharmacy in managing upper respiratory tract infections, including patient assessment and counselling using the GRIP 1,2,3 approach.

Continuous Professional Development Education Module 1

Primary care teams

To improve awareness and understanding of when antibiotic use is appropriate for patients with URTIs

Continuous Professional Development Education Module 3

Continuous Professional Development Education Module 3

Primary care teams

Learn about the appropriate treatment options for a URTI and the benefits of personalised symptomatic relief

Continuous Professional Development Education Module 2

Continuous Professional Development Education Module 2

Primary care teams

Learn ways to effectively communicate appropriate antibiotic use and suitable symptomatic relief options

Physician Protocol 3 Month Data Analysis Form

Physician Protocol 3 Month Data Analysis Form


Data analysis form for use when using physician study protocol.

Physician Protocol Individual Patient Data Collection Form

Physician Protocol Individual Patient Data Collection Form


Data collection form for use when using physician study protocol.

Physician Study Protocol for Prescribing

Physician Study Protocol for Prescribing


Provides a guide to help use and evaluate the impact of GRIP materials on antibiotic prescribing.

Patient and Parent Leaflet

Patient and Parent Leaflet

Patients and parents of children over 2 years of age

Provides guidance for patients and parents about respiratory conditions, their duration, self management with symptomatic relief and when to seek further advice

 GRIPâs Pentagonal Framework for a Global Change in Antibiotic Resistance

GRIP’s Pentagonal Framework for a Global Change in Antibiotic Resistance

Geneva Health Forum


Continuous Professional Development Education

Continuous Professional Development Education

Primary care teams

Educate on need for change, effective communication, GRIP’s 1,2,3 and the value of managing symptoms.

How to talk to your Healthcare professional

How to talk to your Healthcare professional

Patients use with their prescribers

How to get the right relief for your cold sore throat, earache or cough.

The GRIP Algorithm

The GRIP Algorithm

Prescribers and Pharmacy teams

Process flowchart to help with patient discussions.




Communicates realistic duration of URTI symptoms and guides patients to consult pharmacy teams for optimum relief.

Patient pressure guide

Patient pressure guide

Prescribers use with pressure patients

Side 1: Points to discuss with patients, why antibiotics won’t relieve pain, explaining resistance and how symptomatic treatment helps Side 2: Guidance on communicating with patients in line with 1,2,3

Tear off pad

Tear off pad


Tool for use with patients, in place of an antibiotic prescription, will provide recommendation of tailored symptomatic treatments.

Patient leaflet

Patient leaflet


Reassures patients that symptomatic relief is going to meet their needs, provides realistic symptom duration and advice on when to seek further help.

Pharmacy flip book

Pharmacy flip book

Pharmacy teams

Educate on the role of pharmacy teams to provide appropriate advice on URTIs and antibiotics including information on symptomatic options.

Algorithm and treatment table (Prezi)

Algorithm and treatment table (Prezi)


Provides guidance for both doctors and pharmacists on the 1,2,3 approach to drive better conversations with patients regarding appropriate URTI treatment

Tear Pad

Tear pad


For prescribers to use to explain to the patient why an antibiotic has not been prescribed on this occasion and advise on how to best alleviate symptoms

Case studies

Case studies


Four case studies outlining responsible management of URTI through the 1,2,3 approach by doctors and pharmacists

FLIP book

Pharmacy teams

Educational resource to help support the pharmacy team understand the issues around AMR and the role of antibiotics in URTI

Discussion guide

Discussion guide

Prescribers use with pressure patients

Consultation guide for use with patients with training resources on the reverse outlining the 1,2,3 approach to discussing URTI with patients

Patient poster

Patient poster


For use in HCP display areas to educate patients on the typical duration of URTI symptoms and where to seek advice to alleviate symptoms

Resistance animation

Resistance animation


Animation depicting how inappropriate use of antibiotics causes bacteria to acquire resistance.

Consumer leaflet

Consumer leaflet


Distribute through pharmacy and GP channels to educate patients on AMR and suitable treatments that offer symptomatic relief

Antibiotic prescription for children – challenges and communication

Dr Alike van der Velden and Professor Attila Altiner

The podcast—involving GRIP members Professor Attila Altiner and Dr Alike van der Velden—looks into the issue of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for children and the challenges associated with treating children with URTIs.

Effective treatment of URTI’s

Dr Laura Noonan and Mr John Bell

The podcast—involving GRIP members Mr John Bell and Dr Laura Noonan—delves into the role pharmacy play in providing reassurance and advice on the effective treatment options available to suit patients’ needs and preferences. The podcast also discusses the importance of the integration and dissemination of a consistent message across all disciplines within the community.

Antibiotic prescription for adults

Dr Laura Noonan and Professor Attila Altiner

The podcast—involving GRIP members Professor Attila Altiner and Dr Laura Noonan—looks into the challenges when diagnosing and treating URTIs, including how to manage the patient expectations and how to effectively deliver the most appropriate treatment using the right approach.